Caring for your smile is more than just brushing and flossing at home. It also means establishing a routine with quality dental staff to monitor for problems such as cavities or gum disease. At Huntington Dental Excellence in South Pasadena, California, we are dedicated to educating new and current patients and families on caring for their smile. An essential part of proactive care is attendance at dental exams and cleanings with our team of hygienists.
Professional dental cleanings
Also known as dental prophylaxis, our registered dental hygienists perform professional dental cleanings. They will clean your teeth before your dental examination with the dentist. The following steps are performed:
- Tartar/calculus removal. Hardened plaque that has been left on the tooth can firmly attach and cannot be removed with brushing and flossing. It often forms both above and below the gums and needs to be removed with specialized instruments.
- Plaque removal. A sticky film called plaque forms on the teeth and can contribute to the formation of bacteria. Bacteria can lead to gum inflammation and developing periodontal disease.
- Teeth polishing. Once your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, they are polished to remove staining. A beautiful smile is the finished result!
Dental examinations
During your first and future dental visits, a thorough, comprehensive examination is performed by our dentists after the dental hygienist has cleaned your teeth. During this time, the dentist will physically examine your smile to look for tooth decay and check the condition of restorations such as fillings and crowns. Any signs of periodontal disease may be spotted at this time, too, and a proper diagnosis is given if confirmed. In addition, we will also evaluate your airway and TMJ. An oral cancer screening is performed at every exam and helps in early detection of pre-cancerous lesions.
X-rays help us look beyond where the eye can see and may be recommended to aid our comprehensive exams. Come and see why we are among the best dental practices in the South Pasadena, and surrounding areas in California.