Whitening the smile with professional-grade treatments

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Many patients who come into our office will ask about professional teeth whitening treatments. They might want to know the best way to whiten teeth with the help of the dental team at Huntington Dental Excellence. Drs. Gin Goei and Sharon Gabriel of South Pasadena, California, often suggest teeth bleaching with a professional product such as the KoR deep bleaching system. Our team has several KöR whitening before and after photos for patients to look at to get a good idea of what can be achieved with this professional service.

What is the KöR deep bleaching system?

Our team at Huntington Dental Excellence works routinely with patients who have come to the practice dissatisfied with over-the-counter whitening products available at their local drugstores. With the help of our team, we can educate you on the advantages of using the KoR deep bleaching system, which allows patients to whiten in the comfort of their own home with custom-fabricated whitening trays and a supply of professional-strength bleaching gel. When used together and as directed, patients can brighten their smile dramatically, allowing for natural results but fast teeth bleaching improvements.

Why choose KöR deep bleaching?

Teeth Whitening South Pasadena CA

The KöR deep bleaching system has been used for years to provide professional-strength whitening with at-home convenience. Patients can only obtain these kits from a dentist, who creates the customized trays for the individual, taking impressions of both the upper and lower teeth. Because the trays are custom-fit to the patient, they do not cause leaking of the bleaching gel from the trays. That eliminates the risk of burning the gum tissue and other complications that can arise with over-the-counter alternative treatments.

Who is a good candidate for KöR deep bleaching?

The best candidates for this whitening system are those who want a brighter smile and do not have dental restorations in their smile, including dental crowns, bridges, veneers, and composite resin.

Teeth Whitening Video

Teeth Whitening Video

At a young age our teeth are healthy white. But overtime the enamel coating the tooth is so slowly worn down. Causing our teeth to become stained and yellow, which is why teeth whitening is become increasingly popular today. There are a few methods for whitening. They include at home and in office. With in office treatments, you will see faster results, receive the safest treatment for bleaching the teeth, and yield the whitest smile. So, don’t settle for teeth that have become stained from years of coffee drinking, tobacco use, or just aging. Ask your dentist about whitening options that may be right you.

Are you interested in professional teeth whitening services?

Dr. Gin Goei
Dr. Sharon Gabriel
Contact Huntington Dental Excellence of South Pasadena, California today by calling (626) 382-2756. The office is located at 1730 Huntington Drive, Suite #202.